Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Information About Parakeets

Parakeets are one of the most popular kept birds in every city in the world. There are many different color combination that is possible breed and occurred in the species of this birds. Parakeets are easy to breed and easy to multiply.

In breeding parakeets there are many things you might to consider and provide. Providing them the right place to stay or the right cage to breed is pretty simple. Even you are a firs timer in this kind of hobby. It is very entertaining when you have pet birds in your home they are very intelligent and very entertaining. Placing your pet parakeet in the right place is one of the keys to successes in breeding parakeets.

I remember my firs time in keeping birds. There are many problems that I have encountered and I do not know what to do. I suggest you if you are a firs timer in keeping birds you have to research and educate all the information regarding how to take care of parakeets, how to feed them, the right food to give them most especially when they have chicks to feed, the right nest boxes for breeding, the right diet for breeding season, the right vitamins that they are needed, the cage, the food utensils, the right medicines if they are sick, and many more. If you a bird lover like me I suggest you to keep parakeets because parakeets are not complicated to breed and take good care. There are many easy ways in breeding parakeets.

As of now I have lots of pairs of pet parakeets and still growing and increasing that is why I decided to make it a business and in the same time my hobby. Breeding parakeets is my hobby. Well if you are wondering how it comes in business, I have breed many parakeets in my back yard and many people are buying my special pet in my own choice. I love breeding them and I am very happy when it comes in business.

Parakeet breeding is a profitable business. So I encouraging pet lover to breed and to keep birds as a source of income like me. In many years of keeping birds I will say I have many things I know in breeding parakeets and I have to share it in people who are interested in breeding parakeets. They are very easy to breed. Parakeets are a seed eaters meaning most of their diet are seeds and you can offer fruits and veggies for their treats. When you are breeding parakeets make sure you have all the responsibilities in taking care of them.

You must visit them twice or trice a day to make sure they are safe in any danger or rodents that are visiting them. Rodents can ruin your pet parakeets and they can be eaten by the rodent pest. Rodent can eat your parakeets even they are inside the cages. Rodent can easily bite part by part your parakeets. So if you are suffering this kind of problem rodent pest in your backyard you better make an immediate action to get rid this rodents or you can deal with rodent pest control that are readily available in your favorite hard ware stores.

One more thing, unwanted visitors like pigeon or any other bird species can also ruin your pet parakeets because we did not know weather the bird species that are visiting in your aviary have and carrying different kinds of diseases that can transmit to your pet parakeets and cause by illness and diseases and even can cause death to your pets. So be sure you are aware of that pest. There are different kinds of bird control so you must know it to prevent problems in your pets. You can contact pigeon bird control or pigeon bird exterminators to make sure the healthiness of your parakeets.

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